Sunday, October 24, 2004

Leslie tonight tells Grandpa that Sebrina is "NOT FOOD!" after Grandpa was smacking his lips hungrily and looking at Sebrina. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Photos too Good to Copy

Debs and Brian were getting some pictures printed at Sams Club today. Going through the pictures on their hard drive they found some of the pictures Dad took of our kids in their dance costumes and some of the “fairy” ones that Deborah had created. Wanting copies for scrapbooks they included these in the pictures that they dropped off for processing. Arriving back to pick up the pictures they were met by an accusatory photo clerk. “I’m sorry,” she explained, “but these photos are obviously professional ones, and you need the photographer’s written permission before we can sell you these prints.” She carefully flipped through the 200 prints and sorted out all of the “professional” ones, including all of Deborah’s and Dads. She was very upset about Deborah’s, I think she thought we had scanned some post-cards or taken some pages out of a magazine. It didn't help that a crowd of moms gathered behind Brian at the photo desk, oohing and ahhing at the pictures as the clerk flipped through them. Several asked Brian how in the world he got such good pictures. He wished he had some of Deborah’s cards to pass out. The clerk was not swayed, she didn’t seem to recognize the semblance between the rag-a-muffin kids we had with us and the beautiful princesses in the pictures. We tried calling and having Dad and Deborah fax a written permission slip, but in the end, the clerk said if we could show the card that the pictures were on then she would be convinced that we had the originals and therefore the copyright. I guess we are going to have to remember next time Deborah or Dad get us pictures of our kids to have them sign a waiver of their copyrights, so that we can make more prints.