The following conversation occurred between Hyrum and Deborah:
Deborah: Who loves me the most?
Hyrum: I do!
Deborah: Even more than daddy?
Hyrum: Well, I do if you give me a cookie!
Our older children sometimes feel the need to "mother" the younger children, reprimanding them for their mis-deeds. When they do Deborah politely reminds them that she is the mommy and that is her responsibility, so they don't need to be the mommy. Hyrum must have thought this to be more universally applicable, because last time he got in trouble with his Mother he informed her "I don't need you to be the mom."
Melissa was doing her homework which included a story problem involving fractions. It showed 6 light bulbs and instructed her to draw circles around them in two groups so that there were the same number in each group and then color in ½ of the light bulbs. Melissa drew two circles each containing 3 light bulbs and then painstakingly colored ½ of each of the six light bulbs. Technically a correct answer, but not the one the exercise was looking for.