Friday, September 08, 2006

Guess Who?


So you can tell that this is an Ivie, but which one?

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Miraculous Math Book

This morning Cassandra couldn't find her math book.  She was frantically looking for it before leaving for school. When I picked her up this afternoon, I asked her, "Did you find your math book this morning?"

Her response: "Actually, when I got to school, it was already there, Mom!  It was a miracle! I had a miracle today!!"

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Not Square

Hyrum was watching me as I made sandwiches for his sisters to take in their lunches to school.  He was impressed as I took a sandwich that had been cut in half diagonally and was able to fit it into a sandwich bag by putting the two halves back together.  "See, Hyrum, two triangles make a square."  I said to him, trying to be educational.  Hyrum looked at my work and then replied, "That's not a square that is a 'bread'."

Monday, August 14, 2006

Kissing it Better.

Seth is fascinated with his new younger brother and likes to point out his different features like his hair, or nose.  When it comes to pointing to his eyes we have to stop him before he pokes Noah in the eye, "No Seth, be gentle" to which he immediately takes out his binki, and kisses Noah on the forehead with a big, wet 1-year-old kiss.  I guess he figures that kisses make everything better.

Noah Ray

Such a serious little baby we decided to name him Noah.  At 8 lbs and 13 oz, he was quite a big kid, and look at that hair!  He was 20.5 inches long, but we think he will end up being as short as our other kids. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 10, 2006

1-Year-Old for "Get Your Own"

I was passing out granola bar treats to each of our kids this morning. Seth came running up and so I offered him one, and then I asked him to take it to Cassandra. He obediently headed straight for Cassandra, but upon arriving where she was, rather than offering it to her he held it close, and said to her "Da-EE" and pointed in my direction. We had a chuckle at how he was able to express himself. Apparently he wanted to keep the one he had.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Hyrums Short Parkour Life

"Parkour" is the term for an urban gymnast who climbs walls, jumps between buildings and other outdoor stunts. I watched a movie with Deborah called “Parkour Rules” that showed some amazing feats by young men who were performing all sorts of impressive outdoor gymnastics. My son watched the video with me with wonder and decided while I was at work that he wanted to try some of the same feats. He tried flips on his parents’ bed, and was quite good at them, deciding that the next step was to do a flip off of the bed. He went to the side of the bed and jumped off, turning mid-air he rammed headfirst into the floor. He cried for a while and later confided to his Mom that he wasn’t going to try and do the other Parkour tricks that he had seen. We’re going to be more careful about what he watches on TV/Internet.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Katie Elizabeth Shaw

Born: April 6, 2006 at 11:32 a.m.

8 lbs. 6 oz.
21 1/2 inches

Black Hair, Blue Eyes, Beautiful Baby

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

At Least He's Honest

Two or three of our more clever birds have learned how to escape from their cages. In an effort to keep them from escaping Deborah has tried twisting wires and using carabineers to keep them in their cages, but they have managed to figure out a way to get these open. Deborah has since tried placing small luggage padlocks on the bird cages and these seem to be working but they hold a fascination for Hyrum who likes to take the key, remove the locks and play with them. One night Cassandra carried the locks upstairs to her mother and asked what she should do with them. Deborah asked Hyrum, "Hyrum, did you just do this?" "No" was his reply. "Then when did it happen?" "Oh, about an hour ago."

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Melissa and Jessica in the Parade

Melissa and Jessica shiver as they get ready to dance in the parade. It was very cold, and so they ended up wearing coats for the entire parade to keep from freezing. Posted by Picasa

Cassandra on the Parade Float

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St Patrick's Day Parade

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Friday, February 24, 2006

Spoiled "Wotten!"

We recently moved our children to the basement into the two beautiful new rooms that their grandfathers built for them. As an added bonus Deb’s mom got each of the kids a new bedspread. Cassandra was very excited at how nice her bed looked in the new room and exclaimed, “Mom, grandma sure spoils me wotten!”

What Cows Eat

In a conversation Deborah was having with our children about farms she explained to them that if cows eat the wrong grass they can get sick.

Jessica: “Yeah, that’s how Abraham Lincoln’s mother died. She drank milk from a cow that ate poisonous grass and she died. Then his dad married another lady and he was really sad. But he got over it. Abraham Lincoln made it so the black people could be free. And that is why there are so many kids with black skin in my class, like my best friend Alicia. But then a guy shot Abraham Lincoln in the back because the South Americans were mad that he made the black people free.”

What Husbands are For

Deborah: “If you had a husband, what would you do for him?”
Cassandra: “Well, I know what he would do for me...”
“Give me a wedding ring!”

Hearing Birdseed

Hyrum took a new container of birdseed and poured it out over the dining room carpet. Deborah wouldn't let him play until he had picked it all up. Since there was a lot of birdseed it was going to take him a while. Deborah went upstairs to take care of Seth, Hyrum came up in 5 minutes with a "I'm done."
"You need to pick up all of the birdseed."
"How do you know I didn't do it?"
"Cause I didn't hear you pick it up"
"You can't hear birdseed!"
“OK, do you want me to come check?”
And with that he went back down and started to pick up the birdseed.