Monday, October 12, 2009

Seth quote: "If you ever see a real kangaroo, don't go by it. 'Cause he might have some cereal that he stole from someone."

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Creative Approach

Seth is a confessed chocoholic. If he could, he would have chocolate for every meal of the day. I bought some mini peanut butter cups to use as incentives for potty training Noah, and Seth knew of their location.

He came into the office and saw me sitting close to the hiding place. Knowing he couldn't get one without my knowledge, he decided that he had better get more creative. "Mommy," he asked, "Can I have three of those so I can practice my juggling?"

I never knew that Seth juggled, and I am pretty sure that the only place he throws anything chocolate is into his mouth!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

Premature Punishment

Seth comes in with a broken toy sword.  Deborah asks whose it was and he replies: “Hyrum's.”

Deborah tells him, “Hyrum isn't going to be very happy when he finds out.”

Seth replies, “Yeah, he'll kill me. Mom, will you get Hyrum in trouble?"

Deborah asks, "What for?  You are the one who broke his sword."

He said, "Well, he was the one about to kill me!"

So we are hypothetically punishing Hyrum before the fact...

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Ivie Clan

The Ivie Seven

...and all of them at least looking in the general vicinity of the camera! :D
Our Sleepy Doll:

Thursday, June 25, 2009


At Snowbird, Deborah needed someone to go to housekeeping.  Seth (age 4) volunteered.  She told him he couldn’t go alone… so Noah (almost 3) offered to go with.

Fun Noah Quote

"I can do stwong sings, like daddy does!"

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Awe Dad, you sure take a lot of pictures!

I think this one looks more like she does in "real life" than the others do. She has a thin, tiny nose. She seems so small to me. I know 6 lbs. 15 oz. isn't tiny, but since Noah was 8 lbs. 15 oz., there is a huge difference!

I turn 40 today. My first birthday present (and the only one I really want or need) came at 2 am. She was well enough for them to pull the IV and bring her into my room to eat. I got to keep her until 5.

When my new nurse came on this morning, her first comment was, "I heard about your little miracle baby." She truly is a miracle, and I am so grateful for her!
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Sophia loves her binky

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Day 2: notice she is off oxygen!

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Daddy holding Sophia's hand

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Monday, June 15, 2009


These are some of the pictures Bri took for me while I was in too bad of shape to go and see her. She likes to play with her tongue.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Spoon in the Road

As Deborah was driving, her son Hyrum was commenting on the fork in the road. Then they got to the roundabout and he said, "Mom, since that is round, it should be called a spoon in the road!"

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A few more details...

Just a few more details, for those of you who are interested. Our baby is due June 26th. Apparently it did NOT want to miss Snowbird! I had a consultation and ultrasound today done by a maternal fetal medicine specialist, which is basically a doctor with more training in dealing with pregnancy problems and birth defects.

Our baby appears to be absolutely, perfectly normal. In fact, based on the stats for my age combined with the blood test and ultrasound results, this baby has less chance of Down's syndrome than a baby of an average 22 year old woman. Yes, that does make me feel younger to say that!!! The chance of a neural tube defect with this baby is 1 in 10,000. So, other than the risk of blood clots, which we are treating with the heparin, this baby looks beautifully normal!!!

Does this post leave you wanting information? Be sure to check out the comments!

Ultrasounds of Newest Ivie

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