Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Creative Approach

Seth is a confessed chocoholic. If he could, he would have chocolate for every meal of the day. I bought some mini peanut butter cups to use as incentives for potty training Noah, and Seth knew of their location.

He came into the office and saw me sitting close to the hiding place. Knowing he couldn't get one without my knowledge, he decided that he had better get more creative. "Mommy," he asked, "Can I have three of those so I can practice my juggling?"

I never knew that Seth juggled, and I am pretty sure that the only place he throws anything chocolate is into his mouth!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

Premature Punishment

Seth comes in with a broken toy sword.  Deborah asks whose it was and he replies: “Hyrum's.”

Deborah tells him, “Hyrum isn't going to be very happy when he finds out.”

Seth replies, “Yeah, he'll kill me. Mom, will you get Hyrum in trouble?"

Deborah asks, "What for?  You are the one who broke his sword."

He said, "Well, he was the one about to kill me!"

So we are hypothetically punishing Hyrum before the fact...

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Ivie Clan

The Ivie Seven

...and all of them at least looking in the general vicinity of the camera! :D
Our Sleepy Doll: