Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Looking back seven months...

This isn't my usual lighthearted post of funny things the kids say, so please forgive me a few minutes of nostalgia. Thanks for letting me share with you.

This weekend I cleaned out my laptop case. It contained my copy of the pediatrician's notes from when Soph was born. Just a few excerpts:

"6/15/09 15:00 hrs. Mom scheduled for induction today. Cord prolapse noted by exam and fetal heartbeat in 60 bpm prior to c/s. From detection of cord prolapse to delivery is estimated 10/12 min. Mom +lupus anticoagulant &GBS & GD. Apgar @ 1,5,10,15 (minutes) is 0,2,6,&8. Chest compressions during first two minutes. PAP firs 10-15 minutes. CPAP currently as well..."

"Addendum, 16:45: spoke with both parents about possibility of ischemic encephalopathy (brain damage from lack of oxygen) because of prolapse cord for 10-15 min. duration. Spoke about signs and symptoms of ischemic encephalopathy and its consequences both short term and long term. Spoke about different levels of severity...."

I read through these notes as I watched my seven month old do an army crawl across the floor and squeal in delight. In the few days since, she has cut her first tooth, started sitting up on her own, and pulled herself to standing. My sweet baby who started life with an apgar score that was literally a 0: no breathing, no heartbeat, just went down for her morning nap.

Not everything in my life has turned out perfectly. But today I am remembering that miracles do happen, and I will forever be grateful for this one.
1/19/2010 blanket

Hyrum's version of Jolly St. Nick

Our kids take what I would call "string quartet" lessons. Each is learning to play a stringed instrument. One of the Christmas songs they have been learning is "Jolly Old St. Nicholas." Hyrum decided to sing it the other day:

"Jolly Old St. Nicholas, Clean your ears this way..."

Apparently music is the best way to teach appropriate hygiene to elves and such...

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Are These Waterproof?

Seth was using some rubber vehicles for sorting and counting.
Sophia is trying to help by sucking on them.
Seth: Mom, are these waterproof? Cause she licks things.

Feeding Sophia

Sophia likes sweet potatoes but is very messy with them
She thinks she should be in charge of the spoon.
I beg to differ.
and feeding her is like trying to hit a moving target

Monday, January 04, 2010

What is Today?

Noah: "Dad, what is today?"
Dad: "Today is Monday."
Noah: "No, that's not it. Mom, what is today?"
Mom: "Today is Monday."
Noah: "No, today isn't 'Monday', today is tomorrow."