Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wonder who did that...

Deborah: "Noah, don't take your pull up off."
Noah: "But I need a new one."
Deborah "Why?"
Noah: "Cause somebody peed in that one last night!"

Hmmm...wonder who did that....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Problem Is...

Quote from Seth: "Mommy, the problem is, Noah wants to do evewysing his way, and I wasnt to to evewysing my way!"

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Sucker for a Kiss

Deborah opened a sucker for Noah, and he gave her a kiss
Deborah: "You don't love me, do you?"
Noah: "I do love you, cause you opened it!"
Deborah: "Would you love me even if I didn't open it?"
Noah: "No!"

Apparently his love is quite conditional