Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What Would Mommy Say?

Jessica was playing with Sophia, and Sophia was concerned about a bump on one of her fingers.  Trying to be consoling, Jessica suggested to Sophia that she show the bump to her mom.  Sophia went up stairs, and then came done a few minutes later.  "What did Mom say?" asked Jessica.  Sophia replied "She said 'Don't stick your finger in my face while I'm trying to do something.'"  Chuckling as I heard the story I asked Deborah about it.  She didn't remember the incident.  I asked Sophia, who then confessed, that she hadn't really asked Mom, but had decided that is what she would say.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Pretending to be a Baby

Deborah (to Sophia): "Are you my baby?"
Sophia: "I am not a baby anymore. I am a big girl."
Deborah: "But can you be my baby, cause I don't have one anymore?"
Sophia "Well, I can pretend to be a baby I guess..."

Monday, May 21, 2012

Potato Chips

The following conversation happened between my wife Deborah and our daughter Sophia:

Deborah: "Sophia get me a chip ok?"
Sophia: "Well, they're my chips, ok?"
Deborah: "Well, I bought them"
Sophia: "Well, I dumped them...."

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Busy Homework

Sophia was sitting at the table coloring on her sisters YW calendar.

She explained to her mom: "This is homework. This is how I do my busy homework. I am drawing a busy thing."

Realizing there were numbers on the calendar she continued "25...28....18....tissue...14..." as she scribbled.

Seeing she still had an audience of her Mom she exclaimed,
"Oh, mom, guess what? I'm gonna draw your name on this!"
Sophia then proceeded to draw her mom's "name" (more scribbles) at the top of the page.


Sophia: "My paper fell down. That's because I was busy."
Deborah: "What does that mean?"
Sophia: "Then you have to leave me alone to do my homework. When they are busy they draw it all by theirself"

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wishing to Be Uncle Brian's Kid

Sophia: "I wish I was Uncle Brian's kid. But I'm not. I'm your kid."
Deborah: "Which Uncle Brian?"
Sophia: "Klaleb's Dad."
Deborah: "So do you wish you were Pam's kid?"
Sophia: "Sometimes I AM Pam's kid!"

Starting to like the days when she couldn't talk...
basically Sophia wants to live with Kaleb.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Love Me the Most

We like to play a game with Sophia. We go up to her and ask "Who do you love the most?" The goal is to get her to say your name, but she likes to tease people especially her Mom and say someone else. I often will get her to say "Dad" and then she and I giggle while Mommy comes and tickles her and exclaims "No, you're supposed to love me the most."

When Deborah tried to play that game with her today while I was at work, Sophia didn't answer, instead this time she just said: "Mom, Daddy isn't here."