Monday, October 26, 2020

Meaningful Conversations

 The fun thing about being a dad of teenage sons is the meaningful conversations you get to have.  Why just yesterday I had the following heartwarming conversation with my son Seth:

Me: "Hey Seth, what are you reading?"
Seth: "A book."

Yep, the joys of parenthood and connecting.  You've got to remember to savor precious moment such as these.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Look and Live

Our church has asked us to wear masks:

In Moses time they were asked to look at a serpent and live:

This is too simple of a chance to be obedient to let slip by.

I want to go to chuch next week, and I want to bring all the masks I can, so that if anyone didn't have one they won't feel bad about still coming to church.

Let's be quick to hearken to every request just like Helaman's "sons" (Alma 57:21), and perpaps like them EVERY life will be spared.

An Interesting Coincidence

Our prophet happens to have have been a very skilled and very famous medical doctor.  This was something he gave up when he was called to be an apostle.  Years later we have a COVID-19 pandemic... just when a medical doctor happens to be the prophet.