Thursday, June 03, 2010

Tomorrow is the last day of school for our family, and we had what we call student-led conferences today. It is an opportunity to talk with each child's teacher, but more importantly it is an opportunity to have each child explain their accomplishments.

At Cassandra's conference, she read a copy of a poem that she wrote. I think many who read this blog will recognize some of what is here:

I am From
by Cassandra Ivie

I am from my mother's beautiful garden, the park at the end of the block, and the roses in front of my house.
I am from sitting under fruit trees on a hot day, the herb garden and its wonderful smell, and the swing set we've had so long.
I am from my Aunt Beckie's lemon cupcakes, Grandma Ivie's yams and potatoes, and turkey on Thanksgiving.
I am from my Grandma Taylor's chili on cold winter nights, my mother's desserts after a satisfying dinner, and pumpkin pie with a mountain of whipped cream.

I am from Snowbird in the mountains, the castle park and its tunnels, and Grampa Taylor's farm.
I am from mountains and long trails, Capitol Reef in midsummer, and Grandma Ivie's back yard.
I am from rosemary's nice smell, lavendar's pretty look, and parsley's funny curl.

I am from Kit-Kat, Hannah, and Ashley.
I am from Ceci, Debbie, and Brian.
I am from "capture the flag" near hay bales, tag with my friends, and hide-n-seek with my brothers.
I am from brecelets from Melissa, stuffed animals from my mom, and my journal's secrets.

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