Sunday, November 11, 2007

Derbies and Decision making

Hello all! It has been a fun, yet crazy couple of weeks around here! Brian has been substituting in a couple of ITT classes, so he is feeling a little sleep deprived. Melissa and Jessica participated in a consumer decision making contest sponsored by 4-H on Thursday night. The goal was to review a case scenario, and then examine four products that could be purchased and decide which one would be the best buy according to the needs of the purchaser. They then had to defend their choices by explaining their decision to a judge. Jessica took first place in the county, and Melissa took third!

On Friday night, we had our Powder Puff Pinewood Derby for Activity Days. (It was originally the Daddy Daughter Pinewood Derby, but we had so many girls without dads to come that we renamed it so that they wouldn't feel bad. The leaders were dismayed on Tuesday to find that half of our girls didn't have cars made (also due to lack of dads in the home). So, on Thursday night Sister Nudd and I packed the seven girls up and took them over to the ward woodworking expert's house to cut out their cars. The girls designed them, and then we cut seven cars out. We then went back to Shelley Nudd's garage and painted them, and added stickers for a finishing touch. I am grateful to Shelley for her willingness to help me on this project. Her husband was called as stake president about a month ago, so she doesn't have a lot of extra time on her hands. Then right before the race, one of the dads drilled holes to use with quarters as weights for the cars. It was fun to have each girl with a nice car. We also had a few old cub scout cars as back ups.

We had a great turnout! We had fifteen girls there, although we only have seven that attend church on Sundays. I wanted the race to be fun for everyone, so I gave each girl a "prize purse", and they got a different prize depending on what place they took in the race. We kept it moving, so each girl raced their car 10 times! We had chili and hot dogs for dinner (leftover chili, anyone?) We had a really fun time.

Jessica and Melissa made really sleek little racers. Melissa's car ended up taking first place overall, and Jessica's car took third. When they held this activity two years ago, Melissa's car was dead last, so this was a nice improvement for her. We also came up with some clever awards for each car. We will have an awards ceremony at our next activity.

On Saturday night Brian and I sanded and varnished a new dresser for the boys' room. They have a very girly one that we willpost on craigslist on Monday. The new one has 12 drawers! We bought it for $50 on craigslist. Hooray for storage space!

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