Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Busy Mom’s Fruit Salad

Note: Plan ahead...this salad takes a while to make.

Step 1: Sunday: Notice the sign up sheet for the Relief Society dinner. Remember your mom’s wonderful seven layer salad. Feel ambitious. Sign up to bring it to the dinner.

Step 2: Pick up the ingredients at the grocery store on Monday. Plan on making it after family home evening. Wrestle the kids to bed. Do a batch of dishes, make a few phone calls, and run an errand. Fall in to bed around midnight, promising to make the salad in the morning.

Step 3: Tuesday morning: Dress kids; go to band concert. Come home and redress little ones. Make lunch. Get ready for activity days. Take the second graders on a field trip to PetSmart. Drop pictures off at one hour photo. Pick up supplies for activity days. Pick up kids at school. Go back to pick up photos; find out they won’t be done until tomorrow. Frantically go home. Go to activity days. Send husband to walmart for one hour photos.
Come home at 5:30. Finally take a shower and brush your teeth. Suddenly it dawns on you you never made the salad. Go to the cupboard. Pull out the tropical fruit salad. Open can. Drain. Pour into fancy bowl. Hope nobody notices it came from a can. Thank heavens for food storage.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Debs, you are so funny! I can totally sympathize and I only have one baby! Where DOES the time go after the baby goes to bed?!!