The reindeer of the rainforest is actually a leopard. Rainforest in Belize.
Snowbird awakened a passion in Jessica for swimming.
She is bound and determined to become a good swimmer.
Imagine her surprise and delight when she found out
that her family lives close to a swimming pool. It
now has become a bribe to get her to clean her room,
or help out around the house. "If you get your work
done then we can go swimming," is a phrase that her
parents have found to have an amazing affect on her.
If you would like the status as the favorite Aunt or
Uncle just offer to take her swimming, she can be in a
swimsuit in under a minute.
There is a new addition to the Ivie News... photos!
Yes, now not only can you enjoy the stories about the
family, but you can see them first hand. They are
posted at ivienews.blogspot.com. You can add your
comments there, and if you would like to post your own
pictures/articles you are welcome to, but you will
need an account first. Contact Brian at
for a username, password and
instructions if you are interested. Please note that
this is an unsecured public website which means that
all articles and pictures will be available for
viewing by the general public, so keep that in mind
when posting. We will eventually have a family-only
website theIvies.org (a.k.a. "the 'thieves' one") that
will have a secure site, but for now, this is free,
and easy to set up. Brian has posted some pictures
(chosen a bit at random) on this website. We're
looking forward to even more as more people get set up
to share their pictures.
One of Melissa's favorite activities is to design
clothes. Give her a free hour or two and she can put
together some of the most unique costumes using
whatever materials you have on had. At Bonnie and
Erics she was able to make an outfit for herself and
Hannah out of simple plastic shopping bags. At home
she has much more elaborate designs that include
towels, bows, and her father's neckties. "We were
enjoying the fashion show this Sunday too much to take
pictures, but we have some of her previous fashions,
and will post some to the web when we get the chance,
" said her Dad
Following in the footsteps of her spelling champion
mom, Cassandra can now spell not only her own name,
but the names of all her siblings. Not bad for a
The Isuzu used to pass emissions barely each year.
Many things were tried to get it to improve including
simple things like new spark plugs and wires, (which
helped a little) to installing a new catalytic
converter. It still just barely passed emissions.
Then Brian tried a fuel additive that guaranteed the
car to pass. "There are several brands, most just say
to mix them in right before you have your car tested,
" said Brian, "I was concerned, because one way to
improve emission was to increase the temperature of
the engine by adding alcohol, which isn't very nice on
the engine." Brian found one that said to add it
before taking the test and to completely go through
the tank of gas, and then with a new tank take the
emissions test. "I liked this one a lot better,"
explained Brian, "because since it cleaned the exhaust
line, rather than just heating up the engine." Not
only did the car pass, but with flying colors, far
below what was typical. The most impressive thing,
however, is that it has continued to easily pass
emission for two subsequent years with no addition
application of the chemical or work. "I had forgotten
what it was like to take a car in for inspection and
have it pass without having to do anything, " exclaims
Brian happily, "I heartily recommend trying this if
you have problems getting a car to pass emissions."
After a fast pace the last couple of weeks, this week
was a pleasant change. "It is always nice to party
with family" said Brian, "but when we haven't been
home for a Saturday in over two months, it is nice to
get caught up on all of the work that has piled up
around the house. Plus ward members were starting to
think we had moved out." Their kids are out of school
this month, but will be starting in two more weeks
because they have year-round school, and so July is
always a very busy month for them.
As no one has ever been to visit Brian's new "office"
(it is more of a cubicle) Brian would like to clarify
where it is (no longer in the same building). It is
on the fourth floor of the Joseph Smith Memorial
Building and has a beautiful view of the temple. At
lunch you can always see a few Brides wandering around
the temple with photographers that are fun to watch
(they have their grooms too, but it seems like the
brides definitely take the spotlight). Brian would be
glad for a visit, if your up that way, feel free to
stop by his office.
Not only did she prepare her own speech, but Deborah
managed to bathe the kids, dress them in their Sunday
clothes, doing Jessica's hair no less than three
times, and having all of the kids out the door in time
for prayer meeting before church as well as writing a
talk for Melissa since she was speaking in Primary,
and making some homemade play dough for nursery, and
preparing a wonderful lesson as she is the nursery
supervisor. Needless to say that she is now asleep as
Brian writes this.
Deborah gave a beautiful talk in Sacrament Meeting
this Sunday on "Living Happily Ever-after." It was
enjoyed by all those in attendance, and many of the
ward members congratulated Brian on having such an
eloquent wife. Brian was a bit puzzled by their
approaching him but agrees heartily that he did marry
well and that his wife is very eloquent.
Deborah placed a necklace that had a crown on it on
Hyrum and said to him, "Now you look like a king!"
Hyrum replied "No I don't, this looks like a girl!"