Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Dad Proclaimed a Hero

At no later that 5:30 this morning Dad was out hitching up the canoes so that Brian could bring them up to his stake's scout camp. Brian's stake (Oquirrh) was very appreciative for the loan of the canoes on this trip. This is the third time that Brian has borrowed the canoes in behalf of the Oquirrh 3rd Ward or the Oquirrh Stake. Not only did dad lend the canoes and trailer but also the use of his van. His kind acts of service have earned him quite the reputation in the Oquirrh stake especially in Brian's ward. Some of his contributions include the use of a table saw for a cub scout project, poles, ropes and flags for several pioneering projects, soldering irons for electronics projects and various other scouting items. So now, officially, Brian would like to declare Dad a hero, and send Dad a hearty thanks for the many times that he has helped out.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Yea, Dad! What a hard worker!