Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Bad Wiring on Northern Ivie's Roof

In the hot 90 degree weather that we had yesterday, Deborah heard a "sizzle" on the roof of her home and then the swamp cooler that was making the heat bearable suddenly stopped. More concerning is that when she went outside she saw a white cloud that continued to rise from the swamp cooler. She contacted her husband, Brian, at work who recommended investigating further to ensure that if there were a fire on the roof that it be put out as quickly as possible. She called a neighbor to borrow a ladder and upon closer inspection found that the thin water pipe leading to the roof had a tiny air hole in it that was causing a fine spray of water that quickly evaporated in the 90 degree heat causing the white cloud that she had observed. The neighbor who lent her the ladder went above and beyond when he went home and came back with a soldering gun and fixed the tiny leak. He and Deborah's dad both climbed on the roof and determined the cause of the leak and the sizzle that Deborah heard to have been caused by faulty wiring. The people who had installed the swamp cooler had run a single three wire power cable, but had needed 4 wires. They had decided to use the copper pipe that carried the water for ground. The problem with that decision is that the unsheilded wire was used for power. When water hit it in just the right way yesterday to reach between it and the pipe carrying water in, it sparked, melting a small hole in the water pipe and disabling the cooler. Deborah's Dad was very concerned about the wiring job that the so called "experts" had done. He managed to "jerry-rig" the cooler so that it could be turned on so that pregnant Deborah didn't melt with her four kids in the hot weather.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

I wonder if mom is using her AC? Maybe it could be used, or if the problem is fixed and no one is using it. maybe we'll borrow that one too for a month or two... :)