Sunday, July 25, 2004

Ivie News Switches Venue, Subscribers Invited

Having consulted with both of the anonymous editors (hereafter referred to as Lisa, Deborah and Russ) of "The Ivie News" and having done a "beta-test" with a few people and this website, Brian has now officially invited all of the current subscribers of the Ivie News to join as contributors to this blog. The amount of work that the two editors of the "unofficial" e-mail newsletter have done has been keeping the dedicated staff up late into the night. It has taken a lot of time, and these volunteers have other commitments, (including one that will arrive in just a few short weeks), and so in an effort to preserve the tradition of the newsletter, while also sparing the few staff members who have been volunteering their time, it has been recommended that the venue of the Ivie News be switched to here.

Our heartfelt thanks go out to those that were inspired to start the newsletter. It is an oustanding tradition, and we all have appreciated being able to keep in touch with the family despite distance and busy schedules. I would recommend that you take the time to send a letter to the newsletter site thanking those who have worked so hard to make it a tradition.

The change of venues does have some positive features. The most important is that beautiful full color pictures can now be included. Other features include: New articles will be available immediately and subscribers will be able to check the news from any browser.

We are looking forward to postings by all of those who own a digital camera, and for those who do not, a camera can be provided, so that isn't an excuse. Only those who have been listed as "Team Members" can post new information on the IvieNews, which now is pretty much everyone. If we have missed someone please e-mail Brian and he will make sure you get included. To include pictures requires a program named "Hello" and possibly "Picassa" These are free (Picasso is if you have the right link). Instructions on how to use these are included in a link when you sign up, and Brian will be glad to help you get started. It makes posting very easy and Picassa is a nice program for keeping track of your photos in it's own right.

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